How influential are you?
I haven’t blogged for a while. One, I was team leader for two weeks. Two, I don’t know what to blog. My stream of thoughts is running rapidly as always. Too rapid, I can’t catch anything.
I haven’t blogged for a while. One, I was team leader for two weeks. Two, I don’t know what to blog. My stream of thoughts is running rapidly as always. Too rapid, I can’t catch anything.
Let me just give you an update of the past two weeks’ events. As I’ve said, I was team leader beginning last week until my-boss-knows-when. This means I have to supervise other members of the Training Team as they manage their respective trainings. I only have two people under my supervision. These are what I learned so far: being a leader is a big responsibility and the most difficult person to supervise is myself.
And ever heard the verse: From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. (Luke 12:48, NIV)
Simultaneously, I was handling my own training of three professors from the Royal Institute of Management in Bhutan. The three gentlemen are here for a short Training of Trainers course to equip themselves with the latest technologies and techniques in teaching. It is such a privilege to be their training coordinator because I have under my care three of the most influential people in this happy nation. They’ve been teaching for around two decades now and the amazing thing about that is some of our previous trainees undergone their tutelage. I applauded them for their dedication and encouraged them to never tire of teaching.
Every one of us is a teacher. We transfer what we have to others. As a mother, we play a great role in shaping the future of our child/children. As a volunteer in church, we disciple someone, we teach in kids' church, we lead a small group. As a brother/sister, we affect our siblings. As a friend, we influence others in the circle.

The question is what kind of impact are we leaving?
I will go back to that verse:
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."
(Luke 12:48, NIV)As for me, I will leave footprints of love in the hearts of my students as I follow the example of the greatest teacher ever: Jesus Christ.